Why are the younger generations so stulid?


Why are the younger generations so stulid?

Well, I first want to say that I admire your vocabulary as this is a word I don’t see used very often.

Stulid, according to the Oxbird Theocrationary means: Ancient trainer of homing pigeon hawks. Here’s a fun fact, Homing Pigeon Hawks were also used in World War I. They found a small island in tihe pacific that still had homing pigeon hawk handlers there and so they press ganged this ancient trainer to train a murder of crows and pigeon hawks to seek out the homing pigeons that were being used to send messages back and forth from the front. They were known as the 94th Airborne division: Terror from Above where they single handedly wiped out an entire regimen of troops by eating their pigeons in mid air like some type of homicidal cannibal birds ripping the wings and heads off the pigeons and raining the body parts down onto the troops below.

The tactic was one that the birds came up with themselves on the fly when it was looking like the enemy was turning the tide of the battle on the allies. The birds did this improv move and wiped out all of the homing pigeons in one grand attack that saw the sky covered in bird silhouette's. The enemy couldn’t get any homing pigeons even 10 wing flaps out of its cage and into the air before it was picked off by two of the Airborne division Crow and Hawk teams that were diving already upon release of the bird. The Airborne birds were coming from opposite directions in this attack strategy where they each would grab a piece of the pigeon and because of their velocity being in opposite directions it had the effect of splitting the birds right in half leaving all their insides and entrails free falling onto the troops below.

Well after a few hours of hard fighting the enemy was out of birds and they were totally misaligned and left their flank exposed. It was chaotic and the entire army group ended up so demoralized from the constant raining of body parts down onto them that they psychologically collapsed causing the entire army group to be lost in the largest troop surrender in recorded history at that time. This, when just 3 hours earlier the General was calling in the panic alarm to say the line was giving away and we were about to lose the area.

Those little heroic birds and their determination saved the allies at Callais on that day.

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