Love What You Do


Valentines - Love What You Do

Valentines - A career change may help you find that you found your calling, if you love what you do.

r/Banman - Photo snapped moments Prior to the Shooting
Photo snapped moments Prior to the Shooting

Cupid lined up the shot. He kneeled there looking down the barrel of his gun holding it as still as possible. He seen the big man coming out of the tree line onto the lawn and was able to recognize that indeed the target was on site.

It seemed business was slowing down for the poor Cherub. As the years had wore on people stopped hoping to find their soul mate. They gave up on the idea of having a twin flame. They gave up on the idea of romance.

Ever since personality disorders had come to the forefront the very thing that was protecting humanity as a whole by keeping those most disordered, uninformed about their own disfunction and oblivious to the concept of self-reflection these people had largely kept their damage to a localized population group which seemed to contain the potential havoc that they could cause. However, with the advent of the internet things began to change.

The main thing that protected civilization was a combination of how unaware of their own actions and motivations that they were in conjunction with the seemingly universal desire to keep the rest of humanity at arm's length away. The internet changed all that.

At first it was lauded as the savior of humanity by those naive and optimistic souls that would look past the potential evil that could be done to see more in individuals that clearly did not care what other people thought. It didn’t take long and the social fabric that the internet created became riddled with horror stories about what had happened to a person in various circumstances where they had managed to unhinge a demon upon themselves.

These stories began to draw in those that embraced their darkness and understood about themselves that their true nature was one of darkness where conversely the unaware disordered tended to care too much about what their neighbors thought or where they themselves fit overall in the social hierarchy of their community. These disordered people were a train wreck to themselves and to their families but they were harmless in terms of intentional evil as they were not aware of the effects their manipulations had on the other person and were content to leave things at the point where they got what they wanted.

There is another side to the disordered. One that is cold, calculating, industrious, able to show self control and a desire to attain as much wealth as they can using any method that they figure that they can get away with. These sociopath types have accepted that they were the more apt to indulge in criminal type behavior and so they embraced the idea of being degenerates of society.

It’s when these sociopaths, narcissists, sadists, psychopaths and even borderline and neurotypical individuals start gathering in online communities together that the real threat to humanity begins to emerge. These anti-social personalities begin swapping stories and writing of their exploits anonymously thus giving them free reign to be as honest as they would like to be about what it is that they have done in the past.

Soon, a collection of stories emerge. A sort of catalogue of the most intense mind numbing, brain scarring, and life altering strategies emerge and each of these individuals begin practicing each other’s tricks on regular people to see if they can replicate the success of the person who wrote about the exploit they managed. Once an effect, a manipulation, a thought reform, or some other dark type of control is proven to be successful then it goes into each of their own compendium of tricks to do to someone in order to drain as much as you can from them or gain total control over that person’s agency.

When this control get’s used through the short cut of love and relationships the people in the world begin to wise up. They start to see humans in general as a big risk because there are so many of these sociopaths out there practicing these proven mind destroying tactics to scam as much as they possibly can from their target. In essence this compendium of dark psychology knowledge becomes the gold standard for any sociopath to follow. It’s in essence, the narc manual that narcissistic survivors refer to only this one is a manual of practical implications that discuss specifically what it is that the sociopath needs to do in order to get control and to extricate all the wealth with little risk and exposure.

This manual has everything from catfishing, to estate fraud, to how to trap a disabled man and kill him after you trick him into marriage. The manual was the greatest threat to humanity since the atom bomb because it has armed countless sociopaths with practical knowledge on how to destroy someone which they previously would never have been able to think of even a fraction of the strategies that are laid out in this book.

Now, no one will date anyone. Everyone is scared to meet anyone new because these sociopaths look just everyone else and you cannot easily tell who is actually interested in you verses who is there to suck out your life, your assets, and leave you broken or dead on the side of the road with nothing but a shattered soul and heart.

It was for this reason that Cupid decided he had to take action. Valentines day was his only way of making money each year and in the recent years his expenses have far outgrown the value of having a valentines day to such an extent that he found he was in danger of bankruptcy. No one was wooing anyone and no one was buying anything. His love arrows seemed to have no effect and people were not letting their guards down enough to get to know one another.

One day, Cupid snapped. His wings were repossessed and he had to put his childhood wings back on which were horribly undersized. Rather than risk being ridiculed he avoided his places where his friends typically go. He was far too nervous to indulge in anything that could see him lose his cool and have his child wings taken too. Try to explain how your big day per year suddenly has become irrelevant and no matter what, you’re viewed as a failure.

Imagine if kids started turning away presents from Santa. Imagine if the Easter Bunny was told to stick his chocolate eggs up his ass. If things got so bad that no one would accept now what they so readily clamored for then clearly there was a mismatch on sales and overall strategy.

King Cherub summoned Cupid to discuss with him his difficult financial circumstances and the conversation couldn't have went worse. King Cherub in effect told Cupid that Valentines day was being obsoleted and so there was no more budget to fund his day. With that Cupid’s life as he knew it was over. He was a total failure.

That night while he lay in bed looking at the roof, he decided he would repay the world for what it had done. The endless betrayal and slow spiral into the ground left such a bad taste in his mouth but when he found out it was his friends that had broken into his office and stole his life fortune he really cracked, and he vowed he would make this Valentine's Day the most memorable one ever.

Cupid lined up the sight. He looked through it and clearly, he could see a large fat man with a red shirt on and a really overdramatically grown white beard. Cupid recognized the bells buckle and he knew that he was indeed Nick the man who gets his Jollys off stealing thunder from Jesus.

Cupid figured his last Valentine's Day should also be the last day any of his previous competition who would hog the title of ‘Man of the Year’ would now lose their days as well. No one was going to have a day. No chance, now he was going to be the equalizer.

He pulled the bolt back and slid the rifle shot into the chamber. He took note of the wind and the gusting as well so he adjusted the little knob on his gun to the right two clicks. Cupid slowed his breathing as he once again aligned his shot with the target. Once Cupid had a bead on Nick’s head he took a deep breath and held it for a half of a second while he slowly squeezed the trigger.

The kick of the rifle pushed his shoulder back and the clank of the firing pin hitting the bullet then sounding off loud echoing guns. Cupid was far enough back that it took a couple moments for the bullet to reach the target. Nick had taken the shot directly with a bullet through his chest and heart thus blowing out his circulatory system a big spray of thick red fluid and meat pieces seemingly coagulated somehow exited his back at the speed of a bullet, spraying the people that were beside him.

Shocked the woman that received the biggest spray sat there dumbfounded with her mouth open and her body completely drenched and dripping in warm sticky blood. After a few moments she began screaming and yelling hysterically as her husband put his arm around her in an attempt to calm her down.

Old Nick barely noticed the shot go through him. He felt a solid punch out of nowhere and even stood there shocked himself for a moment as he tried to understand his rapidly changing environment. Within a moment or two Nick felt his strength wash out of him and a sickly headache quickly overtook him as he collapsed first to his knees and then to his chest, smashing his face totally unprotected onto the pavement.

"I love this" Cupid thought to himself.

Christmas was officially cancelled.

Why are the younger generations so stulid?


Why are the younger generations so stulid?

Well, I first want to say that I admire your vocabulary as this is a word I don’t see used very often.

Stulid, according to the Oxbird Theocrationary means: Ancient trainer of homing pigeon hawks. Here’s a fun fact, Homing Pigeon Hawks were also used in World War I. They found a small island in tihe pacific that still had homing pigeon hawk handlers there and so they press ganged this ancient trainer to train a murder of crows and pigeon hawks to seek out the homing pigeons that were being used to send messages back and forth from the front. They were known as the 94th Airborne division: Terror from Above where they single handedly wiped out an entire regimen of troops by eating their pigeons in mid air like some type of homicidal cannibal birds ripping the wings and heads off the pigeons and raining the body parts down onto the troops below.

The tactic was one that the birds came up with themselves on the fly when it was looking like the enemy was turning the tide of the battle on the allies. The birds did this improv move and wiped out all of the homing pigeons in one grand attack that saw the sky covered in bird silhouette's. The enemy couldn’t get any homing pigeons even 10 wing flaps out of its cage and into the air before it was picked off by two of the Airborne division Crow and Hawk teams that were diving already upon release of the bird. The Airborne birds were coming from opposite directions in this attack strategy where they each would grab a piece of the pigeon and because of their velocity being in opposite directions it had the effect of splitting the birds right in half leaving all their insides and entrails free falling onto the troops below.

Well after a few hours of hard fighting the enemy was out of birds and they were totally misaligned and left their flank exposed. It was chaotic and the entire army group ended up so demoralized from the constant raining of body parts down onto them that they psychologically collapsed causing the entire army group to be lost in the largest troop surrender in recorded history at that time. This, when just 3 hours earlier the General was calling in the panic alarm to say the line was giving away and we were about to lose the area.

Those little heroic birds and their determination saved the allies at Callais on that day.

Light Side or Dark Side


Light Side or Dark Side

Photo by Some Tale on Unsplash

The lightening flashed in a giant fork that lit the entire city up and was followed by a massive booming thunder sound that shook the buildings.

The rain had been slowly marching towards the city. I watched the wall of water inch it’s way towards me with the lightening orchestra following the newly soaked ground like a relentless stalker forcing it’s prey towards the city where it hoped to find shelter and safety.

The storm had mirrored my experience in that moment. The rain clouds moving towards me were like the conclusions that I had drawn which had caused me slowly realize just what I was in the middle of. All this time I had watching life go by me but was facing the sun in the west as it set.

As I began thinking of the long trek I’d been through over the past three years I started having these realizations that there was this entire storm brewing that I had somehow turned my back towards, inadvertently choosing to be captivated by the beauty of the sunset.

By the time I had noticed that wall of rain it was nearly on top of me already. The thoughts were an uncontrolled flood of ideas on a tapestry. I was standing so close to the tapestry that it had only looked like a mish mash of color without any structure to give it meaning.

It was a tapestry that I had never yet bothered to step back and look at to see what the picture actually was until this very day. I slowly stepped backwards, keeping my eye on the tapestry as more and more came into view with each step. Soon, the chaos of color began to take form and I started to see it’s meaning.

The tapestry was a dark storm and it showed multiple violent strikes of lightening that illuminated what otherwise was the darkest cloud I had ever seen. With each of the flashes of the light an image could be seen within that cloud.

The image was barely visible because the cloud itself had a curious effect on the tapestry as it seemed to suck in all light in the same manner as a black hole which prevents light from escaping.

The man was on his knees with the figure behind him holding it’s weapon drawn high ready to strike. The man looked broken and beaten, as if he had been through the harshest of hell’s while retreating away, trying to elude his death stalker.

The man clearly was unable to defend himself and the storm cloud was captured as if a Polaroid snap shot had been taken which ultimately froze history for all to see that very moment which was had before the man’s fate had greeted him with open arms and mouth of fangs.

I was that man and death was indeed coming for me.

I had been threatened numerous times for my life. The inevitable is without a doubt coming to collect me. The inevitable is coming to erase this burden from existence. The price of my life was 1.5 million dollars. That was what I was worth. That is what was given to remove me from existence so that one entitled woman could remove me once and for all.

She had been working hard to get close to me. It made sense that she would be the one given the money to kill me. She had chosen to become Darth Vader for a price and all that good she tried to be was now erasing itself with each step towards the inevitable death of me.

I would imagine her family will be upset when the truth comes out from the investigation into my death that she was the most likely of suspects being the only one to have openly claimed to have been given money and a second job to kill me. Things are not going to go well for either of us-i’ll be dead and she’ll lose everything. What ever happened to win/win scenarios?

I never found one here. This place that is soaked from rain. As the rain came close I could see that the rain was blood. The Reign of blood I thought to myself as it came down heavy and saturated the city with it’s darkened crimson paste. I stood there on my knees looking up to the heavens and seen nothing but evil. The blood rain soaked my face and stung in my eyes making it hard to see but there wasn’t so much of a sliver of light in heaven.

God is dead I thought.

I could hear my executioner winding up with her sword. The Katana was not quite a light saber but surely, it would do. My murder would send the message to the people and it would remove this wretched rogue from continuing to be the irritation that it has been for three straight years.

‘No one will miss you’ she said to me.

‘I know.’ I responded in a defeated, downtrodden voice. ‘Nobody likes me, everybody hates me.’

‘I can probably find you a bucket of worms if you want your last meal.’ she said back to me.

‘I’ll pass.’ I said still sombre ‘You know, you’re going to lose.’

‘Lose what? You’re the one who’s about to die.’ she snarled back.

‘Lose your humanity. You’re going to lose yourself and you’ll never come back from it. Life will be fundamentally different and you’ll now be the monster that you despise so much in others. You are better than that. I’ve seen it in you. It’s your choice ultimately, but the price for my life is your humanity and I’m not sure you’re really aware of what that cost is going to do to you.’

‘Shut up.’ she barked

‘I know that you are conflicted. I know that you’ve got these demons that pull you into the darkness, but your core is pure and I’ve seen it. You have an inherent good nature in you and if you choose to take this step into the dark side you will forever be consumed by the fading of your light. There is no coming back.’

‘Shut the fuck up’ she snapped.

‘I’m too tired to fight anymore. I’m too tired to run. This is it — I’m ready when you are.’ I said in a defeated tone.

‘I’d ask if you had any last words but, you’d probably go on and on and on.’ she said sarcastically.

‘Just one more thing.’ I said

‘What, tell your family you love them?’ She snapped

‘No, they know that. I don’t want you to go near them to tell them anything. What I wanted to say is…’ I trailed off.

‘It’s what? Spit it out.’ she said.

‘I just wanted to say…. Manamana.’ I said

‘Manamana?’ she asked quizzically ‘

Oh, I get it like that YouTube video from that movie 7 Psychopaths where that guy is about to get killed, she thought to herself. She paused a brief moment and rolled her eyes, then she said ‘Do do dododo’

‘Manamana’ I said

‘Do do dododo’ she laughs as she sings it

‘Manamana’ I start laughing

‘Do do dododo’ she’s now full out laughing

‘Manamana’ I belt out in a roarous laughter…

I try again…‘Manamana’ and a look of seriousness crept onto my face as my laugh faded into a forced chuckle and then stopped.

There was no response. She was silent. Her blade unsheathed and raised but she had a conflicted look on her face as to what it was she was going to do next.

The power was all in her hands. She had full control. My life was in the balance and it was going to come down to this one choice of hers.

What do I stand for? she says to herself…

Light Side or Dark side.

Defiant: Part 1

 “Charlie!” I could hear the door gunner scream as he cranked his M-60 machine gun towards the tree line and began a firing a rapid succession of bullets. The pilot had wasted no time on the ammo drop and barely touched ground it seemed then the helicopter began a fast assent up and away from the enemy fire.

“Hope you are hard at work attempting to communicate with us on this side? Let me know!” said Dave the radio operator clearly frustrated with his machine. “I don’t know if anyone can hear me, I think the radio might be cooked I can’t seem to get HQ for more than a word or two.”

I could see the concern on the captain's face as he looked at the battlefield. He yelled “Broken Arrow”

Dave run up behind him and said “Captain, I just briefed you and told you that the radio is down. We don’t have that ability to call that in.” Dave looked worried.

The Captain said ‘right, the radio — the radio — okay you get on that chopper that’s coming down now and you use that choppers radio to call in the strike, then you need to go get us a radio; better bring a couple as we are a company and company’s should have far more radios than one….what was Radio Shack on strike?’ asked the Captain.

I could see Dave thought hard about what he was going to say next and like a smart man he said, ‘yes sir I’ll be back with a new radio asap and I’ll call in the air strike from the Huey.” he then ran toward the LZ to catch the chopper.

I took a moment to reflect on the situation with the bullets whipping by my head with that familiar whining sound or I watched them dance in the dirt in front of me like a ballet of bullets hitting the ground causing little geysers of dirt to pop up in a distinctly uniform pattern, one right after another.

I wondered, do you think that those little monkeys that are in the trees sit back and watch the concert of lights and sounds thinking that the gods are using their angry magic? Or is it more like ‘monkey hear bang bang — and monkey stay the frick away and go find some little miss monkey to monkey around with?’. I suspect it’s the latter.

It’s not for me to reason why I thought and it’s probably unreasonable that I’m still standing here in the open with all of these bullets whipping by me like I’m one of Wyatt Earp’s immortals.

After all, I have not one but two purple hearts for doing just this. Daydreaming while the fire fight is on and getting shot in the shoulder and in the calf of the leg. I wonder how many more times that is going to happen to me.

That calf of the leg was like a ninja foot sweep. I didn’t see it coming and I ended up on my back seeing a bright white light as I hit my head. Then, I could see these massive plumes of water shooting up into the sky like little mushroom clouds as the mortars started sighting up our positions with the first exploratory rounds.

One of these clouds of water hit beside me and I watched with a vivid slow reality as it gradually made its way upwards with little sprinkles of water coming down as it ascended. Once it reached its vertical peak the water began to spread horizontally and reversed its direction causing the plume to disburse while surging back toward the earth. Without blinking I watched the slow motion flood rush towards me engulfing my whole body and near instantly retreating back into the rice patty from which it came leaving mud as the last remaining evidence of that unexpected journey.

The shock of the water’s hitting me brought me out of my daze, and so I tried to stand-up.

I was in so much shock that my brain was not yet made fully aware of the fact that I had a huge hole in my leg. As I went to stand up and use the butt of my gun as a crutch the barrel to hand onto something like a mini cane or a walking stick.

A rapid succession of distinct thudding sounds rang in the distance accompanied with a freight train rounds went screaming past my head which brought me out of my daze where I seen half of my squad pointing at something behind me and I could only imagine what it was by the sound of those screaming shells. I rand for the nearest cover which was a few yards toward our flank.

It was a bush of some type that seemed reasonable when I was in sheer panic standing there for target practice but in practical application for cover — once I arrived, I realized they were going to be drastically insufficient.

Still, I was committed, and this was my Alamo. I jumped over the little shrub and landed and immediately fell onto my back for the quickest way down onto the ground. The shrub instantly took a dozen of those oversized rounds but to my surprise the Alamo was better than I had originally thought.

The ground took a sharp dip on the other side of that shrub and it afforded me 18 inches of rock and ground cover before the piddly shrub poked out of the ground. Still gasping from partially winding myself with that fall I concentrated on slowing my breathing and getting my diaphragm back aligned. I felt a moment of panic as I still wasn’t able to really catch a breath when all of a sudden that muscle stopped spasming and my lung function returned.

I thumbed up the release for the clip on my Widow Maker.

Here’s a not so fun fact but, when we first got to this god forsaken country we were given these new lighter state of the art automatic rifles. They replaced the M1- Garand which was the workhorse through World War II and Korea and was a wonderful and proven weapon to be dependable and accurate.

Apparently, those were characteristics they didn’t value in rifles anymore as these new M-16s were prone to jamming, ceasing, and were not a dependable rifle at all. We started calling them the Widow Makers because it never failed it was always at the worst time that a bit of sand would get into the bolt action and jam the rifle or some water would get in there and wreak havoc. These things needed to be kept in a sterile museum to be dependable and here we are in a jungle.

Suddenly reality called back to me as I heard someone screaming for a medic to my left. I grabbed my clip and banged it on my helmet to make sure any sand that had gotten in there fell loose before I jammed the clip back into the rifle. The heat formed a wave like mirage across the horizon but I could see in between the mist wafting what seemed like a continuous stream of black pajamas and rice patty hats. I could see the hats of the enemy moving as once in pulsing like motions as the wave of soldiers came and crawled forwards.. They were planning on swarming us to take our position.

They use their sheer unending numbers to swarm and choke us off so that our air support is of limited value. We risk taking out as many of our own guys as the enemy when we order direct fire onto our won location but — the captain knew what he was talking about I have no idea how he could have seen this coming.

The thundering shake of the M-16 on my shoulder as I carefully fired one round at a time toward the oncoming wave. The flanking M-60s fired up and started providing some good covering fire and caused the enemy to full out charge. Their whistles blew at first breaths blow and at once the soldiers stood up and ran towards us without any regard for their safety.

The Barbed wire started slowing them up as their clothes and skin caught on it as they tried to jump over and past. This made perfect target practice for the M-60s with a cross bead on the center section where the charge was concentrated. Still, nothing was stopping this wave from coming. I seen soldier after soldier fall down and the army never seemed to lose a step as they charged enmass towards us. It was getting loud enough that it felt like they were on top of me.

I flipped the selector switch to full auto and started spraying into the oncoming rush of soldiers.

Out of nowhere the sound of the battle faded out and was replaced by a dull drone sound and time seemed to slow down. Suddenly, I thought — is that a radio I hear? Sure enough. It’s CCRs Bad Moon Rising.

“I see a bad moon rising” my M-16 shook. The enemy was close enough that I could make out their facial features.

“I see trouble on the way” I sprayed a horizontal swath left to right on full automatic catching one of the VC in a back swing with a grenade. The grenade dropped about two feet behind him and he looked at his arm and screamed.

“I see earthquakes and lightning’” It looked like he was planning on charging me with the distinct angry hate look on his face.

“I see bad times today” He began to scream and run toward me when the grenade blew taking him and 4 of his compatriots to never, never land and that same arm that he was tossing that grenade with came flying wards me hitting the bunk of sand 2 feet to my left.

“Don’t go around tonight” The little bastard was still trying to beat me to death.

“Well, it’s bound to take your life” I popped out my clip and grabbed the next one from my vest and banged it on my helmet and popped it back into the M-16.

There’s a bad moon on the rise” I took a cue from my little ‘army’ buddy and grabbed one of the pineapple grenades off of my vest and tossed it 20 yards forward where there was a mass of soldiers grouped up.

“I hear hurricanes a-blowing’” They didn’t even notice it rolling up in between them as they struggle to get free of the barbed wire when suddenly an aerial ballet interrupted their plans.

The first solider did what seemed like a slow-motion impromptu back flip and on his second time around on his full circle flip I could see distinctly that he had no lower jaw.

“I know the end is comin’ soon” His left leg must have stepped on a land mine and immediately and violently yet so beautiful how physics seemed to cease to matter as his body’s moment was quickly completely reversed with zero regard for conventional laws of motion as we know them tearing his weak flash from bone causing his arm to come loose and fly towards their officer knocking him flat backwards onto his back.

“I fear rivers overflowing’” The officer sat up and continued blowing his whistle when he suddenly stopped and looked to the west.

A trail of carpet bombs came in a direct line towards him evaporating him and stopping the beautiful ballet. I was put off by the sudden end of the aerobatics but rocked by one blast hard enough that it made me realize I needed to get back in my position.

“I hear the voice of rage and ruin” Line after line of aircraft came down. The planes were stacked every thousand feet for 40′000 feet and they brought in all the fire they had on each run. Quickly, the enemy so exposed in the rice paddy was forced to reverse and a new whistle sound was being blown.

“Don’t go around tonight”

The guys stood up and really poured the fire on their backsides as they ran for the treeline.

“Well, it’s bound to take your life” I unloaded clip after clip in succession seeing at least 8 of their soldiers go down just on the retreat itself.

Then I heard a familiar drone of a prop plane and I realized we were going to be in for some special BBQ when a column of fire erupted between the VC and the treeline cutting them off from their retreat. The M-60s kept a constant drone and body after body was cut down as there was literally no way to go. I thought to myself — damn I’m not going to get to finish my song

“There’s a bad moon on the rise, alright” faded out as the sound of the world came back in and I could hear the McGregor asking me if I wouldn’t mind loaning him an ear. As he laughed pointing at my shoulder where my ‘army’ buddies' ear was stuck.

I laughed at him and said — I’m all ears…then I tossed it at him as he laughed running away.

Love What You Do

  Valentines - Love What You Do Valentines - A career change may help you find that you found your calling, if you love what you do. Photo s...